Download statistik teori dan aplikasi edisi 7 pdf
Download statistik teori dan aplikasi edisi 7 pdf

download statistik teori dan aplikasi edisi 7 pdf download statistik teori dan aplikasi edisi 7 pdf

Reading Process Brief Edition of Reading Process and Practice. Langkah Mudah Melakukan Analisis Statistik Menggunakan SPSS 19. Statistik: Teori dan Aplikasi, Edisi ketujuh. A Study On Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using The Numbered Heads Together Technique. Sahardin,R., Mukarramah,M., & Hanafiah,A. The Relationship Between Global Reading Strategies and Support Reading Strategies on Iranian Intermediate Efl Learners ’ Reading Comprehension Ability. Language Learning Strategies: What every teacher should know. Studies in English Language and Education, 2(1), 67-78. Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and the Teaching Profession in Aceh. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(2), 249–259. Assessing students’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. A Comparison of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by EFL and ESL Readers, 10(2), 165–180. THINK LITERACY: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12. Ĭontent, F., Words, F., Surgery, S., Novels, G., Starters, S., Writing, M., & Diagrams, U. Relationships among learner characteristics and adolescents’ perceptions about reading strategy use. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(3), 1309–1332.Ĭantrell, S. Metacognitive awareness inventory for teachers (MAIT). Washington: ERIC Clearing House on Language and Linguistic.īalcikanli, C. The Role of Metacognition in Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Learning.

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The Importance of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Awareness in Reading Comprehension, 6(10), 235–244. It is suggested as further studies that another researcher look in depth the cause of Global Reading Strategies applied by the student.Īhmadi, M. In addition, the type of metacognitive awareness strategies which was mostly used by the students was Global Reading Strategies. It means that the more metacognitive awareness the students have the better understanding they have in reading comprehension. There was also a positive correlation between both variables. The value of correlation of both variables was 0.000 which was less than critical limit of α 0.05 and there was a significant relationship between metacognitive awareness and students’ reading comprehension. The reading comprehension test and questionnaire were given to the students in order to find the correlation between students’ metacognitive awareness and their reading comprehension. In this research the instruments are reading comprehension test and questionnaire. A number of 30 students of SMA Laboratorium UNSYIAH Banda Aceh are designated as the sample. The framework of metacognitive awareness is provided by Mokhtari & Reichard (2002). This study aimed to find out the correlation between students’ metacognitive awareness and their reading comprehension.

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